Sunday, August 28, 2016


People are amazed when they find out that I pretty much eat what I want to eat.  They're expression of disbelief that I still love hot dogs, ice cream and just about anything chocolate is unmistakable.  The key is that I don't eat these "forbidden" foods on a regular basis.  I don't even crave them on a regular basis and when I do enjoy something "forbidden", it's usually in small quantities because it just doesn't take much to satisfy the urge.

My "go to" diet is pretty healthy these days but it took a while to get there.  Something I outline in my new book coming out next month.  What has become my "go to" diet are things that I do crave and that my body wants on a regular basis; things like salad, vegetables and unprocessed foods that are whole and lacking in copious amounts of preservatives.  Why?  Because over time the mass quantities of preservatives in many foods has become virtually inedible to me - they taste horrid!

Here's a great example:  I'm not nuts about donuts in general.  Oh, I like them, but my God they're sweet and really that level of sugar makes me ill.  But!  I do like a donut every now and again and my favorite donut shop is a little local place that makes theirs fresh every morning.... since they're not swimming in preservatives they taste pretty darn good!  So, there I was one day in Walmart picking up a few things when I just happened to run into the owner of the donut shop!  We had a nice chat and went our separate ways without my giving it another thought till I reached the bakery.  Suddenly I really wanted a donut, so I took home a small box of donut holes to share with my family.  A rare treat, for sure.  After dinner, I got a couple donut holes for myself and my boyfriend.  We bit into our donut holes and then both of us made a horrid face and looked at one another in shock and disappointment.

"These taste horrible!"  I said to him, "They're full of chemicals!"  My boyfriend agreed.  Neither of us could eat our two little donut holes.  They were absolutely horrid and I ended up feeding the rest of that entire box to the chickens!

When we were both back in Walmart a few days later we shared our story with a gal working in the bakery.  She was genuinely surprised that we found those donut holes so revolting as she had never noticed any "chemical" taste.  As we both left we realized and concurred that if a person has a high level of processed foods in their diet, they really can't taste the chemical taste in their food.  We had experienced this before and it's definitely a theme!  I find this deeply interesting and amazing!

My boyfriend ended up becoming more of a whole food eater just through being around me, and he enjoys processed foods more than I do... but less all the time... because he too is experiencing this sensitivity to the chemicals in processed foods.  It happens even to the best of us!  Which brings me to the solid opinion that our bodies just don't like that shit one bit.   Even my son who is a chemical food addict has started to notice the chemical taste in foods and this is helping him to decide for himself that he'd rather have whole foods.

Something else of interest that I mention in my book is the empty calories hidden in preservatives alone.  Did you know that 1/3 of the calories in one strip of processed bacon comes from the preservatives alone?!  One third!

Learn how you can steer away from eating so many chemicals in your own life ~ and how that alone helps weight loss in my new book, "My "No Diet" Revolution, How I Beat The Insanity Of Dieting And Lost Weight Successfully", coming out late September 2016.

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