Friday, September 23, 2016

TTouch & Pet Health

To witness how powerful TTouch is with physical bodily function is quite amazing.

TTouch is not meant to replace veterinary treatment, but rather, it complements it.  In fact, one of the first things a practitioner inquires of the owner is if the behavior in question has been looked into by a vet.  It is common for behavior problems to stem from physical issues.  It is also possible for medical issues to arise from behavior problems.

Here's some of the technical stuff..... A '87-88 study suggested there were changes in the brainwave patterns of animals that were treated with TTouch and that both sides of the brain were activated.  Later studies proved the studies findings.  .....A 2009 study showed immediate and cumulative benefits from TTouch that were reflected on the EEG of an anxious mare.  ......In humans studies have shown that using TTouch 5 minutes before drawing blood significantly lowered heart rate and blood pressure.

There are so many great personal testimonies of TTouch helping with the physical self.  I wouldn't confine it to "issues" because the work complements a healthy body, too.  There is something quite magical about applying TTouch around a fresh injury and witnessing no swelling, bruising and much faster recovery with much less pain.

Here's just a few of the physical issues complemented by TTouch:

Itching is one of those things (in dogs) that can all too often be a symptom of something else going on.  Itching should always be looked into by a vet.  Because treatment can be a long-term thing, there's the owner's issue of the poor dog scratching.  TTouch can give the owner an easy tool that won't cure the underlying problem but will offer the pet relief and gives the owner a positive activity that is welcomed by the pet.

TTouch therapy is a fantastic addition to orthopedic ailments and care.  TTouch can improve mobility and releases muscle tension.  The TTouch groundwork improves posture and balance while training the muscles to prevent atrophy.  Leash pulling causes pressure on joints and can lead to physical problems.  Dogs with orthopedic problems requiring surgery really, really need to "not do that anymore" (pull on the lead) before the procedure so they don't re-injure themselves afterwards.   TTouch uses specialty leash configurations to re-balance a pulling dog (without force, fear, or physical hardship) where it not only ends immediately, but the dog learns to walk in balance, on a slack lead.

Here's where I side note....

I've trained and worked with horses and dogs off and on my whole life.  It's what I do.  It's my passion.  I love helping others especially when there's fur involved.  Nine years ago I had a bike wreck that tore up my hands up pretty badly and required surgery.  I was quite literally "hand-i-capt".  I still am to an extent, I have a hard time with ziplock bags, and other lids and my hand strength just isn't there like it was before.  At the time of the wreck, surgery and recovery,  I had a 145 dog.  He was not a leash puller.  But you know how dogs are and sometimes leash pulling happens.  Well, I couldn't afford for that to happen.  If he tugged ~ he'd be free.  I had no way to hold him.  None.  So, I had heard about TTouch and I was eventually able to attended a TTouch workshop taught by Linda Tellington-Jones herself.  I was completely, absolutely, blown away!   A year later I was enrolled in the 2-year certification training course.  And you know what?  I can walk a 145 pound dog and not worry about pulling.  And I can teach it to someone else and their dog will stop pulling, too.  It's completely awesome stuff!  As a dog trainer from way back, this complementary way of working with animals really opened up my perception and practice.

Okay, back to health stuff...

TTouch is a wonderful complement to anesthesia.  Dogs who are nervous beforehand will relax after a few minutes of TTouch, lowering pulse and blood pressure.  One clinic in Germany has their veterinary technicians do TTouch on animals for 5 minutes after surgery.  TTouch supports a quicker, smoother recovery.

For geriatric care, all-over TTouch sessions complement a variety of age-related physical issues.  TTouch ground work increases cognition and mobility.  The owner learns new ways of guiding their aging friend on-lead while the aging dog's trust in the owner's guidance increases.  A boon in the bond, so-to-speak.

TTouch can be a real gift when it comes to end of life issues.  It's a hard place to be and every pet owner gets to go there, at some point.  Because TTouch so beautifully increases the bond, daily TTouch sessions certainly help the owner in recognizing "it's time".   TTouch before and during that final injection is very relaxing and comforting to both owner and pet.  It's honestly, a really beautiful way to go.

TTouch increases the human/animal bond, mutual trust and cooperation.  From that, a lot of good happens.

Thanks for stopping by!   Subscribe to my blog and like my page on Facebook.

If you're interested in giving TTouch a try, head on over to the "TTouch Shop" tab and scroll down.

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