Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Power of Intention

When I was going through the TTouch training one thing that came up often was "intention":  i.e., "change your mind, change your dog".


Before I get into the nuts and bolts of intention, here's what I've experienced:

I read Lynne McTaggert's books on the subject ("The Field" and "The Intention Experiment") and gave this far out concept a try.  My son was intrigued by the concept and decided to do a science fair project on a small group of plants.  We purchased four identical spider plants and placed them in different areas of the house so that the experiment on each didn't affect the others (no cross intentions).  Each plant was to receive a different intention:

1.  "Happy" ~ this plant was to receive "good" and "happy" thoughts towards it.  When being around this plant one was to think of happy and positive things, "good vibes".

2.  "Angry" ~ this plant was to receive "negative" thoughts from anger to sadness, including envisioning trimming off the plants leaves.

3.  "Neutral"  ~ this plant was to receive any and all emotions, from very happy to very sad and everything in between.

4.  "Control" ~ this plant simply received water and care with no intentions given to it whatsoever.  This plant was to measure the effectiveness of the other plants intentions, if any.

All the plants received the same water and light requirements during the experiment which lasted (if I recall) about four to six weeks.

The results were really interesting!  Happy and Neutral showed the most growth with more fullness as well as overall growth.  Happy was a bit fuller and taller than Neutral.  Control came in second/third with noticeably less fullness, height and overall growth.  Angry came in dead last (ha!  No pun intended), with the least amount of growth, no fullness and really,  this plant was just hanging in there compared to the others.

I was astounded.  Intention can affect a plant?  Who knew?!  Sooooo.....if it makes a noticeable difference with a plant, what's with this stuff and dogs?

We know dogs are more sensitive than humans when it comes to the vibrations of things unseen.  Dogs know that stranger is bad news long before we do.  Dogs know that other strangers are pure gold, sometimes we pick up on that, sometimes we don't.  It's often said that dogs have a sixth sense, and yes, it's something like that, for sure.  They are far more tuned into "The Field" than we are, but we can put our intentions out there and they do pick up on it, no doubt.

If a dog can be receptive to intention, it sort of makes sense that when Fido is pulling on the lead and the human is focusing on the pulling, the pulling continues.  That's not to say that you can change the pulling behavior with just thoughts alone, but thought does play a key role.  Placing your thoughts where you want the dog to be does actually help the dog to get there.  While training/conditioning a dog not to pull, putting strong thought into a well balanced dog on a loose lead actually does help the dog to understand what's what and he/she learns to not pull more easily and more quickly.

I took my old Dachshund to Tractor Supply a while back.  It had been a very long time since he had been out in public and you'd expect that he'd be straining at the lead in this new and stimulating environment.  Although I expected it too, I kept my mind trained on the vision of him walking comfortably at my side without any pulling as we walked through the store.  He knows how to do this, but excitement easily makes that "knowledge" fly out the window.  Guess what?!  He was a perfect gentleman and never pulled once.  He walked comfortably by my side the whole time.   This is a little dog who's had a ton of TTouch training and has learned to "tune in" to me.  He is not an obedience dog.  He's had the basics of obedience, but that's pretty much it.  He has no other job other than to enrich my life, really.  And there he was out in public being a super star and performing as well as my competition obedience dog from decades ago!

On the wilder side of intention, I was on my way back to East Tennessee from Florida one Christmas and found myself racing a wicked snow storm coming into the region.  I don't do snow.  Last time I drove in snow I ended up in the hospital for a week.  I do not do snow.  I was scared.  There was snow all around and as I drove through Atlanta accidents were happening all around me and roads were getting horrid and dangerous.  There I was driving my intention at full volume, imagining clear roads around me and a "bubble of safety".  I made it the whole way home with snow and bad roads all around, but I was fine!  The road and other drivers around me all remained safe and clear.   My family was absolutely astounded.  I should have been snowed in in Atlanta.   Honestly, I can't explain it.  Maybe my intentions made a difference and The Field actually heard me.  Maybe it was angels.  Maybe I'm just crazy.

Intention does help, though.  Along with giving calming signals to a barking dog if you imagine quiet and calm at the same time, it increases the volume of your message tremendously.  This I actually know....because I use it all the time.  Intention works the same as the law of attraction; put it out there and make it true.  We receive what we give.

Many folks who know me simply say that I have "the touch" with animals.  That "touch" comes from my toes, through my heart and intention to the animal.  I always see the potential, wish the best for them and believe they receive this message and react to it accordingly.   We know when we meet a good person with a genuine heart, it's an intuitive sort of thing, very akin to intention.  It's right up there with having that gut feeling when a stranger enters a do you know whether they're truly friendly or approaching to do you harm?  You just do.  That's the power of intention.

Give it a try and share what you experience.  Remember, believe what you put out there....that's key.  Come from your heart.  Trust and let it be true.  This is one of the hidden keys to TTouch.

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